
Hilliard Dance Program


Hilliard SS offers a nationally recognised Dance Program which includes aerobics, cheer leading, hip hop and contemporary dance. This school coordinated program is a unique part of the Hilliard community with hundreds of students participating in the program over many years. We're excited to have past students as the coaches for the program.

Please see the details below with regards to beginning the program:

Aerobics and Dance are extremely rewarding sports for all children.  During the history of our program we have witnessed immense improvement in confidence, overall coordination and skill development in all the girls and boys who have participated. Aerobics is a combination of strength, flexibility, gymnastics and dance incorporated into a routine with music.  Hip Hop is an energetic modern dance style performed to popular music.  Cheerleading is a high intensity combination of aerobics, dance and gymnastics. This year we are introducing contemporary dance for Year 5 & 6 students only. 


Throughout the year you will receive all information required via email. Information will also be posted on the school web page and the Hilliard Dance Facebook page. 



There has been no price increase for fees since 2017. To be able to cover the many price increases passed on to us (all competition fees have increase due to new COVID regulations), our fees for 2022 will be slightly increased.  The cost for the full program for 2022 will be as follows, based on how many genres your child participates in - Aerobics, Hip Hop, Cheerleading and/or Contemporary Dance: 


One Genre

Two Genres

Three Genres

Four Genres






The cost above includes 3 terms of lessons (approximately 25 – 30 lessons), extra lessons for State finals and Nationals, competition fees, music levy, DVD and photos levy (Schoolaerobics Nationals), coaches’ levies for all competitions, administration costs and other miscellaneous items. This is the entire cost for the year except for a school tracksuit and the costumes fees outlined. 


These fees represent outstanding value for money. Privately operated clubs can charge $400+ per term (for lessons only) to participate in similar programs.


Please note: 

• Your child may be invited to participate in more than 1 team within the same genre. Should this happen, you will only be charged once for that genre.




An invoice will be sent home in February 2022 once teams are confirmed.  To secure your child’s placement in a team/s an initial payment of $100 will be required by the end of February. The total balance will be due by the end of Term 2. If required, a payment plan can be arranged through Mrs Gayle Harris (HSS Business Manager). This request should be made as soon as your invoice is received and part payments throughout the year/season will be organised. Please note all Hilliard Dance fees must be paid in full prior to participation at Nationals.



• Competition school leotard & scrunchie $98 (2021 price), second hand approximately $50
• Plain white joggers – these do not need to be expensive but not Velcro or canvas
• Competition stockings $20 and white socks $2.50 available from the school uniform shop


Hip Hop

• Competition team costume with be colour based and purchased by the parents.  Full details will be given at a later date. 



• Hire of competition cheer costume $45
• Plain white joggers - these do not need to be expensive but not Velcro or canvas
• White socks $2.50 available from the school uniform shop
• Senior girls will also need to purchase competition stockings $20 from the school uniform shop


Contemporary Dance



Further information about the purchase or supply of costumes will be given once teams are finalised.

All members of our teams will be required to wear the school tracksuit to competitionsThe tracksuit jacket is $52 and the pants are $41. The tracksuits can be worn at school during winter.



Training sessions will be conducted in the school hall by qualified aerobics/dance instructors who are all former students of Hilliard. All sessions are fully supervised by a member of the teaching staff.  Many training sessions will be held outside school hours, either in the morning from 7.30am to 8.30/8:45am or in the afternoon from 3:15pm to 5:30pm (sessions will be no longer than one hour for younger children and one and a half hours for older children). 


Training schedules will be finalised once teams, school schedules (eg band, choir rehearsals, rugby league training etc) and coaches’ availabilities are confirmed. Lunch times training in 2022, will be kept to a minimum to allow for the children to participate in other curricular activities on offer and enable the opportunity toreschedule missed lessons during the school week instead of weekends. There will be a compulsory training session on a Sunday the weekend prior to our State and National Championships.  Hopefully these will be our only training sessions on the weekend.



These are generally held in the Brisbane/Sunshine Coast area.  Competitions are held on Saturdays and some Sundays. The Schoolaerobics National Championships venue for 2022 will be the Gold Coast Convention Centre. If selected in a team, it is an expectation that your child is available for all competitions. We ask that you provide notice a month in advance if your child cannot compete in a particular competition. Teams cannot compete if they do not have the required number of competitors and formations will need to be changed.







The following is Competition Calendar for the year.  It also includes any extra training for State & National Competitions and school performances.  


Hilliard Dance

Competition Calendar TBA for 2024


It is an Education Queensland requirement that you are advised that personal accident insurance cover is the responsibility of the parents.  


* Compulsory training sessions






Aerobics and Dance are fun and exciting sports.  To make sure it is an enjoyable year for all students involved, please ensure your child understands the commitment they are making to their team and their training sessions.


It is expected that your child will:


• Attend all training sessions, unless ill. Even if students are injured they should still attend training. This allows them to be up to date with changes to choreography when they are fit to participate in training.


• Demonstrate exemplary behaviour by following the School rules; ‘Learn, Lead and Succeed during training, at competitions and at school in general. 


• Attend all competitions unless ill.


With all this information, we trust you will be able to make an informed decision about your child participating in the Hilliard Dance program. We fully understand that the cost may be a major factor for many families.  Please consider the cost carefully if your child wishes to participate in more than one team.  It becomes very difficult to change teams once they have been selected.  Please don’t feel pressured to enrol your child in this program if you have other financial priorities. There will be many other opportunities available for the children at Hilliard.  


The children will need to return the signed permission form and behaviour contract on their first trial day,clearly indicating which genre/s they wish to audition for.  Children will not be allowed to trial without a signed permission form.  If your child is not selected in a competitive team, they will have the opportunity to participate in a development program.


Hilliard Dance

Training Schedule 2024 TBA​

Last reviewed 21 February 2025
Last updated 21 February 2025