Open from 8:15am Monday to Friday: Serving Breakfast, Little Lunch and Big Lunch
Breakfast from 8.15 - 8.30am (cash only over the counter)
Icy treats available at Big Lunch (cash over the counter or voucher purchased on flexischools)
Log in to QKR to order your child's tuckshop. Please download the App from the App store.
The tuckshop is run by two lovely convenors and a team of volunteers made up of parents from the school who are asked to work about once a month at the most. Interested parents can contact the tuckshop/office to have their names put on the roster.
Our menu is based on the criteria set out by the Queensland Governments' Smart Choices Policy.
Aims of the tuckshop include:-
- To provide a service to the school community.
- To provide a variety of nutritious and attractively presented foods and drinks at reasonable cost
- To maintain high standards of hygiene in handling, preparing and serving food.
- To function as an efficient business by operating at a reasonable profit for the benefit of each child.
- To provide an opportunity for parents to participate in their children's educational environment.
We look forward to your cooperation and support in all aspects of the school tuckshop. It's also a great way to meet and make new friends in our school community.
All enquiries to Courtney Johnson and Kathryn Christensen, our Tuckshop Convenors, on 3820 1638.
Please join our Facebook Page, 'The Tuckerbox' to keep up to date with what we are up to in the tuckshop.
Menu 2021.pdf
How to Guide
How to Guide P and C.pdf